Monday, October 29, 2007

reaction to Roland Barthes

I can apreciate his use of photos with his text. He mentions a metaphor of the imagery to a constellation one must be at a distance in order to see the fuller picture---just like reflection on ones own existence. Touches upon the what we have mentioned repetitively in class---the aspect of the ever changing self. pg 56 'I am a symbol of my immediate self'imagunary 'I' is impertinent' would Barthes think it impossible to capture the true self in some medium at all? On page 50 talks about the his ear;y childhood game of prisoner's base could this be comparable at all to Foucault? As well he discusses the aspect of having a physical body and that there is really no use for it---defined by migrane and sensuality Is this similar to Descartes idea of dualism---the mind and body being two totally seperate entities?

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