Monday, October 15, 2007

reaction to Foucault

What I think is worthy of addressing in the beginning of this text is to me Foucault uses terminolgy such as 'critical ontology' and the statement, "the main political problem is the politics of ourselves". These cues signify the type of introspection that can be somewhat burdensome ----yet eventually result in becoming aware of self. Interesting that he later says you must sacrifice in order to gain.

"Self has not to be discovered but to be constituted through the force of truth" After World War two and the writings of Descartes their was more weight on the indivual creating the reality of their 'self' ----you stood alone- transform and modify until you have come to a destination you are content with.
The section pertaining to exomologesis brought back memories of Lynn Hershman's 'Electronic Diaries'. Exomologesis--Recognition of an act. Her over consumption of high caloric food along with the rituals surrounding them are in a way making a physical recognition of her realiztions through self exploration. Can this be comparible to a sort of penance? I know that fasting is... can Hershmans technique be seen within the same context? I think so.
In order to truly define and be aware one must go through a metamorphisis in order to evaluate one's stance within the broader spectrum of existence. This at times can be somewhat painful.
Mentions chanting monks that are in constantly consious of the self through this physical action. Interesting idea confess so that you can truly know yourself.

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