Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Reaction to Bell and Gemmell ----Flickrverse

I like the idea of using digital memory and the technologies surrounding this topic as a way of bettering our medical care. The discussion of being able to catch a disease early by constant evaluation of caloric output, body temperature, pulse ecetra---this is a completely new idea to me. As far as using these sorts of technologies to record a persons constant move as in the case of this 'Digital Diary' seems a bit compulsive... I think that could be an extremely dangerous power that could be used to the advantage of certain people or groups of ppl . As far as how this article pertains to the flickrverse 2005 this is a definate way to grid and record correspondance between many people where as the article seems to be discussing digitally documenting a singular persons interactions. I wonder what sort of software was used in this flickrverse---does the creator of it have an intention for it to be viewed as a piece of art or was it merely to document the practices of flickr users?

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