Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Reaction to Films---"Daughter-Rite"

It was a bit painful for me to view this film on Tuesday's screening. I felt that I could relate on some levels to the narrator. In many ways as I get older I find myself partaking in similar behavior to that of my mother.....and I'm not sure how thrilled I am about that aspect of my current self. It has been something close to my mind since living within driving distace of my childhood home rather than in undergraduate where there was no chance of seeing the family on a weekend. There was an overall since of melancholia that I interpreted from the interviews with the sisters. They were never able to develop a sincere relationship with their mother---although this seems to have brought them together as a family unit. I definitely found this film powerful. The use of silent home movies---the omniscent mother that we actually never see in her current state---almost how she was to the girls growing up always there in a way a burden but never really touchable.

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