Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Morgan Fischer Standard Gauge 1984

I thought this film was thoroughly enjoyable and informative about the processes used during the time Fischer work for the technicolor editing company in Hollywood. He sees dicarded materials such as still clips just as important as what was kept in the final product of the film. There is such a grueling time consuming process in film editing especially during Fischers hayday when it was all manualy done there was no final cut pro software that the information could be plugged into. He is drawn to 35mm stills that have there idiosyncracies, human error is present. These are the ones the editor learns form critques his own work. Can be easily related to my own area of study MFA---ceramic candidate. In this department there is a copius amout of time spent on glaze formulating and calculation along with testing of different bodies of clay before the work is even started. Usually these test are recorded in some sort of journal for documentation and then the test-tiles are tosted away, but to me they are infact minature works of art worth just as much apreciation as the final product of the ceramicist, in this way I can relate to Fischers eye for what is typically overlooked.

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